AI-Enhanced DevSecOps at Devis

At Devis, we recognize AI's transformative power. We see it as a fundamental shift in problem-solving, enabling efficiency and improved decision-making for government agencies and businesses. Our innovative approach and broad AI capabilities allow us to tailor strategies that align with our clients' goals. Our practical and impactful AI solutions redefine operational boundaries, enhance service delivery, and elevate organizations. At Devis, we're dedicated to harnessing AI's potential to create a smarter, more efficient future.

AI-Enhanced DevSecOps at Devis

At Devis, we recognize AI's transformative power. We see it as a fundamental shift in problem-solving, enabling efficiency and improved decision-making for government agencies and businesses. Our innovative approach and broad AI capabilities allow us to tailor strategies that align with our clients' goals. Our practical and impactful AI solutions redefine operational boundaries, enhance service delivery, and elevate organizations. At Devis, we're dedicated to harnessing AI's potential to create a smarter, more efficient future.

AI Readiness and Technical Assistance

At Devis, we provide essential technical support and AI readiness guidance to ensure seamless AI integration. Our team of experts uses tools like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Keras to guide organizations through the technical aspects of AI integration. We also provide readiness assessments using platforms like Microsoft Azure and AWS, helping organizations understand their current AI capabilities and identify areas for improvement.

Embedded AI Training Services

We offer immersive, workflow-integrated training for immediate application of new AI skills. Our training services are designed to be practical and hands-on, focusing on real-world applications of AI to ensure that learners can immediately apply their new skills in their work.

Dashboards and Reporting

We enable real-time tracking of learner progression with automated dashboard and flexible ad hoc reporting services. Using tools like Tableau, Power BI, and Google Data Studio, we provide organizations with a clear view of their AI training progress. Our dashboards and reports are customizable and interactive, allowing for deep insights into learning outcomes and progress.

AI Education, Assessment and Training Services

AI Research & Development

AI Research Study Design

We design and conduct rigorous, multidisciplinary research to develop insightful metrics and comprehensively assess AI systems, user interactions, and perceptions. Our methods include experimental design, advanced field research, AI-bolstered A/B testing, simulation, and mathematical modeling.

Advanced Technology Research

At Devis, we employ robust empirical methods and foster partnerships with institutions of higher education to generate, evaluate, and transition cutting-edge AI research into operational use. Our commitment to rigorous research and practical application enables us to pioneer advancements in a variety of AI domains, including.

Explainable AI

We focus on developing AI systems that provide clear, human-understandable explanations for their decisions, promoting accountability and ethical AI use.

AI Safety

Our research is dedicated to creating AI systems that align with human values and prevent harmful behaviors, ensuring reliable and safe AI operation.

AI and Cybersecurity

We apply AI to enhance cybersecurity, focusing on AI-enabled threat detection, rapid vulnerability analysis, and the development of automated defense systems.

AI Strategic Roadmapping

We develop detailed AI roadmaps that connect your strategic vision with key AI outcomes and organizational priorities. Our team uses tools like Lucidchart and Microsoft Visio to create visual roadmaps that clearly outline the path to AI integration.

AI Strategic Planning & Implementation

Trustworthy Risk Mitigation

We formulate robust safeguards and contingency plans to minimize AI risks while ensuring trustworthiness. Using platforms like Microsoft Responsible AI, AWS SageMaker Clarify, Google Cloud AI Explainability tools, and IBM AI FactSheets, we conduct rigorous testing, monitoring, and auditing to identify and mitigate risks effectively. Our focus on ethics, transparency, and accountability builds trust in AI systems.

Integration-Ready COTS Identification

We scout cutting-edge COTS AI libraries like Transformers, Hugging Face, PyCaret, and platforms like SageMaker and Vertex AI to build best-fit AI solutions. Our team is always up to speed on the latest libraries, tools, and techniques, ensuring these assets are effectively integrated into your systems while maintaining quality.

Capacity Development & Gap Analysis

We equip organizations with the necessary resources and training to enhance AI competency. Devis offers a highly customizable learning management system that is tailored to meet the unique needs of government contracts. Coupled with targeted gap analysis using tools like Tableau and Power BI, we identify areas of improvement and ensure your team is ready to leverage AI effectively.

Building Advanced AI Teams

We offer guidance on how to establish highly efficient AI teams – from optimizing workflow structure through tools like Jira, Trello, Asana, and, to advising on the strategic choice of technology, to improving developer productivity using tools such as GitHub Copilot and CodeGuru. Additionally, we provide insights on optimizing role allocation through advanced people analytics. This holistic approach ensures the creation of skilled, cooperative, and high-performing AI teams.

Continuous Integration and Delivery

By implementing AI, the development process can be streamlined, fostering consistent code and faster, more reliable releases. Tools like Jenkins and Amazon CodeGuru can be used to automate the build and testing process, reducing the risk of integration problems and enablingquicker deliveries.

AI-Enhanced DevSecOps

AI-Driven Security

System security can be enhanced by incorporating AI to detect anomalies, predict threats, and implement preventive measures. AI can help in identifying patterns and anomalies that might indicate a security threat, enabling proactive security measures.

Operations and Monitoring

AI can be applied to automate routine tasks, predict system failures, and monitor performance for optimized operations. Tools like Prometheus can be used for event monitoring and alerting, while AI can help in predicting system failures before they occur, enabling preventive measures.

Configuration Management

AI can be utilized to control and manage software and system configurations for consistent performance and minimized system discrepancies. Configuration management tools like Chef, Puppet, and Kubernetes can be used in conjunction with AI to ensure that all system components are functioning as expected and are in the desired state.

Consumer and People Analytics

By leveraging data to understand consumer behavior and workforce dynamics, we can help you refine your marketing strategies and enhance human resource management.

Business Analytics and Data Science

Operations and Supply Chains

Through the application of data science techniques, we can help optimize your operations and supply chains, leading to improved efficiency and reduced costs.

Data Science Pipelines

Specializing in the design and implementation of data science pipelines, we can automate the process of extracting, transforming, and loading data for your analysis needs.

Inventory Modeling and Predictive Analysis

By using statistical models to predict inventory levels, we can assist your organization in effectively managing resources.

Data-Driven Marketing, Public Relations, and Social Media Monitoring

By leveraging data, we can help shape your marketing strategies, public relations efforts, and social media monitoring, enabling your organization to connect more effectively with target audiences.

Social Network Analysis

By analyzing social network data, we can help you gain insights into the relationships and interactions between individuals or groups in your workplace, informing strategies for communication, collaboration, and influence.

Forecasting and Simulation

By utilizing predictive models and statistical techniques, we can help anticipate future trends and outcomes, supporting your organization in strategic planning and decision-making processes.

Intelligent User Interfaces

By designing user-centric, customizable interfaces leveraging React, Angular, and other modern web frameworks, we can enhance the interaction between users and AI, using D3.js and TensorFlow.js for advanced visualizations and optimal user-AI interactions.

Full-Stack AI Development & System Creation

Data Integration & Management

We offer seamless interfacing with legacy systems and architect scalable data infrastructures using Apache Spark, Kafka, and DataBricks for insightful AI modeling, ensuring that your data is always ready and available for AI applications.

Smart & Secure APIs

Our team creates AI-enhanced, secure APIs using Node.js.Net, and API management platforms like Apigee for system interoperability and efficient interaction among diverse AI tools, ensuring seamless communication within your AI ecosystem.

Innovative Rapid Prototyping

We prioritize rapid prototype creation using Jupyter Notebooks, Google Colab, Azure Notebooks, and Machine Learning Studio, and Amazon SageMaker Studio along with other tools to rapidly validate feasibility and garner user feedback. This agile approach leveraging flexible cloud infrastructure ensures that your AI solutions are always in line with user needs and expectations.

Developer Training

At Devis, we believe in empowering developers with comprehensive training in AIassisted code generation using tools like GitHub Copilot and Tabnine, improved unit testing and documentation, responsible AI practices for improved security, and ethics training for building trustworthy AI systems.